Monday, June 10, 2019

Game Journalism Play Day 1

1. Today in Raft, I did 3 things, apart from the things that you always do, like gathering, eating and drinking. The first thing that I did was build a research station. In this station I learned how to build a torch and net. Unforgettably I didn't get the chance to build either. the second thing that I did was kill the shark with the Wooden spear. He latched onto my boat, and I stabbed him. But this time he dies, and I got shark meat. The third thing that I did was take down most of an island. I built stairs to get onto the first layer of the island, ransacked that, but unfortunately I could not get to the second layer. While I was doing this the shark broke my sail.

2. Some tips that I picked up on were; you should always eat and drink before you go to sleep. When you sleep, your food and water will go down, and this can kill you. Another tip I pickup on is to ALWAYS have a spear and fishing rod on you. The spear can save your raft from the shark, and the fishing rod will stop your starvation.

3. Tomorrow, I am going to focus on the strategy of conserving my materials. I burn through my materials too quickly, and when the time comes when I need them, like to build a new spear to fight the shark, I am found lacking and lose something because of this.

In the bottom left corner, you can see my research table. Above this, my water and food maker. To the right of this, my bed. At the far corner you can see my stairs that I used to get onto the island. You will notice a lack of a sail, this is because the shark ate it, and now I have to build a new one. My raft is in a strange shape because I have been breaking it for planks to make food and water when there was no materials to collect.

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