Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Exit Interview June 2019

1. The Assignment that I especially enjoyed was the Snowman Spin-off, during the JavaScript coding. I liked all of the JavaScript projects, but during this one, I used all of my creativity to make it. This project was fun, but also challenging, with the restrictions that JavaScript gives, plus my own personal goal to make it look good.
2. The assignment that I struggled with the most was the Motion Script in Adobe Animate. Making the GIF wouldn't be hard for me now, but I had just started using motion guide, and I couldn't make anything right. I restarted that project 3 times, and struggled the whole time. 
3. Sam is a top-tier student. During class, he constantly demonstrated work of the highest quality, he is always on task, and he is a role-model for his classmates. He joined IT over a month late, but not only managed to catch up, but to do so with no impact on his quality of work. During the JavaScript, he want above and beyond in all of his projects, creating intractable animations when a drawing was required, for example. It was a pleasure to have him in my class, and I look forward to teaching him again. 

Game Journalism FINAL DAY - 60 minute Slideshow

60-Min Slideshow

Game Journalism Day 3 - Build More

Build on to Raft

Second Level
A Net
Research Table
How to Plant Crop
Scare Crow
Shark Bait

Friday, June 14, 2019

Game Journalism Play Day 3

1. Today I built 3 things. The first thing that I build was a scarecrow. I put this near my planter to protect it from the birds. The second thing that I built was the start of the third flood. There is only 1 piece because I have to make a pillar for each, but it is a start. The third thing that I built was expanding the second floor. I did this to make it bigger, because the second floor felt cramped.

2. The scarecrow will help me protect the plants from birds. I have not yet experienced my plants being attacked, but better safe then sorry. The third floor will help me getting on islands easily, and the second floors expansion will allow me to have more plants.

3.  Tomorrow, I am going to try and create a better water purifier, and a furnace. The water purifier will allow me to focus more on advancing, and the furnace will allow me to advance.

4.  I built my raft the way that it is because each block was placed in the best spot for that time. The first floor is so large to protect its contents from the shark. The second floor is smaller because I have to have a railing for each piece, and the top floor is so small because there is no point in having it so big right now.
My Raft

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Game Journalism Day 2 - Thrive

Water Purifier

Sailing Away
Defending from the Shark
Rowing Boat
Chopping a Tree
Foraging Under Water
Raidin' a Raft

Game Journalism Play Day 2

1. Today I didn't did a lot of one thing, but not much else. I spent most of the time collecting materials. I found 3 islands, and made a second collection net. At the end of the day, I had about 50 wood, 30 plastic and about 25 palm leafs. I raided 2 other rafts, got 1 bolt, 4 hinges and 2 vine gods. I used one of each to research as much as possible, so when I have more advanced materials I can make advanced equipment.

2. I learned some valuable tips today. The first is, if you see an island, go out of you way to raid it. You will get tons of wood and palm leafs, and seeds that you should grow. If you can, grow as many plants as possible. All you have to do is plant it, give it water once, then in a few minutes you have a plant that you can destroy and re-grow another. Collection nets are a good one-time investment. Placing one of these down in the middle of your raft will collect any debris it touches. Then every once in a while, you will get some debris.

3. Tomorrow, I am going to expand my raft, improve my tools, and kill the shark. While I am doing this, I want to build more planters, of all sizes, and build another water purifier and grill.

4. This is my raft. from yesterday, I expanded the sides, to protect my contents if I forget to fight the shark, and built 3 storage boxes. 2 of these I have full of my misc. materials such as clay and hinges, and the last box is slowly being filled with wood. It already has 30 wood in it, 20 being on my person, for emergency like death.

This is my raft.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Game Journalism Play Day 1

1. Today in Raft, I did 3 things, apart from the things that you always do, like gathering, eating and drinking. The first thing that I did was build a research station. In this station I learned how to build a torch and net. Unforgettably I didn't get the chance to build either. the second thing that I did was kill the shark with the Wooden spear. He latched onto my boat, and I stabbed him. But this time he dies, and I got shark meat. The third thing that I did was take down most of an island. I built stairs to get onto the first layer of the island, ransacked that, but unfortunately I could not get to the second layer. While I was doing this the shark broke my sail.

2. Some tips that I picked up on were; you should always eat and drink before you go to sleep. When you sleep, your food and water will go down, and this can kill you. Another tip I pickup on is to ALWAYS have a spear and fishing rod on you. The spear can save your raft from the shark, and the fishing rod will stop your starvation.

3. Tomorrow, I am going to focus on the strategy of conserving my materials. I burn through my materials too quickly, and when the time comes when I need them, like to build a new spear to fight the shark, I am found lacking and lose something because of this.

In the bottom left corner, you can see my research table. Above this, my water and food maker. To the right of this, my bed. At the far corner you can see my stairs that I used to get onto the island. You will notice a lack of a sail, this is because the shark ate it, and now I have to build a new one. My raft is in a strange shape because I have been breaking it for planks to make food and water when there was no materials to collect.

Game Journalism Day 1

In this game, you are stranded on raft. You have to gather materials, find food, purify water, and survive the daily shark attacks.
In RAFT, you need to collect debris to survive. To do this, you need to throw your hook (hold LMBT then release), hook debris, then reel it in(hold RMBT).
My Raft
Driftwood - Uses to make tools and to burn(To make food and water)

Palm Leafs - Used to make Rope

Plastic - Used to make paddle, cup ect.

Barrel - Gives you lots of misc materials eg. Wood, Palm Leafs, Plastic

Different Plastic

Shark chompin' on my raft
I am MUCH too epic to die, though I almost starved to death. To avoid starving to death, make a fishing rod, then cook the fish on the grill.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Car Builder Day 2

Car Builder Day 2
45mph 6 Seater
 100mph 4 seater
 177mph 4 seater