Friday, February 22, 2019

Friday Post Feb 1, 2019

What do I already know.
I know how to do basic Photoshop and how to download and use games. I learned how to do Photoshop with Youtube tutorials. I learned how to download and use games from my brother.
Image result for photoshop Image result for steam download screen

What do I want to learn.
I want to learn how to do more advanced Photoshop. I would also like to know how to code animations. With this I could hopefully make a simple game.
Image result for code Image result for the escapists

How will computers fit into my future.
Computers will fit into my future quite a bit. Whether it is writing, playing games or using a GPS in a car, I will likely be using a computer. I already use my computer almost everyday, and that will likely not change.
Image result for gaming computer Image result for futuristic looking car

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