Thursday, February 28, 2019


An infographic is a picture, that has a collection of information and pictures to teach you about a subject.

Image result for infographic Image result for infographic
Image result for infographic Image result for infographic

About Me

How to Make Burgers


Friday, February 22, 2019

Friday Post Feb 1, 2019

What do I already know.
I know how to do basic Photoshop and how to download and use games. I learned how to do Photoshop with Youtube tutorials. I learned how to download and use games from my brother.
Image result for photoshop Image result for steam download screen

What do I want to learn.
I want to learn how to do more advanced Photoshop. I would also like to know how to code animations. With this I could hopefully make a simple game.
Image result for code Image result for the escapists

How will computers fit into my future.
Computers will fit into my future quite a bit. Whether it is writing, playing games or using a GPS in a car, I will likely be using a computer. I already use my computer almost everyday, and that will likely not change.
Image result for gaming computer Image result for futuristic looking car